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Why you should celebrate “small” wins (and how to do it)

As we go through life, we often focus on the big goals we want to achieve. While having these goals is essential, it’s equally important to celebrate small wins along the way. Acknowledging and celebrating small wins can motivate and inspire you and relieve stress.

Some research has shown that taking pride in small accomplishments leads to completing larger goals.

Celebrating our wins triggers feelings of pride and happiness, which can help keep us motivated to work toward the next steps and, eventually, whatever overall goal(s) we’ve set ourselves.  Any accomplishment, no matter how small, releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, which boosts our mood and motivation.

Small wins can be anything that aligns with our intentions, such as finishing a task, drinking enough water, or meditating for a few minutes. It’s important to redefine our wins rather than consider them solely as the big successes we aim for.

How to Celebrate Small Wins

Here are some tips:

Celebrating is an important aspect of motivation and confidence that is often overlooked. By acknowledging and celebrating our small wins, we can boost our mood and feel a sense of progress towards our bigger goals. So, please take a moment to appreciate your wins and celebrate them in your own way.

“The great victory, which appears so simple today, was a result of a series of small victories that went unnoticed.”  ~Paulo Coelho

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