There is clear evidence indicating that certain forms of telepsychology are as effective as standard face-to-face psychotherapy. Telepsychology is also a cost-effective means of delivering psychological services to meet the growing mental health needs in Malaysia. We recommend a systematic development of evidence-based telepsychology practices in Malaysia through high-quality efficacy research, accessible standardized graduate-level training, and clear guidelines and regulations to ensure ethical and competent delivery of telepsychology services.
Relate INSIGHTS 2020/01 – How Being in Nature can Promote Healthier Body Image
As many Asian nations rapidly urbanise, governments and policy-makers are having to deal with the negative impacts of urbanisation on population mental health. One cost-effective way of promoting population psychological well-being is through nature experiences, or exposure to natural environments. There is now an urgent need for authorities to protect ecological assets, such as remnant forest patches, as well the provision of, and access to, natural environments.