Journey Together Out of Depression
Have you been feeling sad all the time? Not interested in things you used to enjoy? Perhaps concerned but not knowing what to do?
We at RELATE Mental Health Malaysia are offering group therapy to learn cognitive-behavioural techniques (a well-known and established method) to tackle and learn to overcome low moods.
The program is based on Mind Over Mood* by Dr. Greenberger and Dr. Padesky.
What we will learn through this book will help you learn how to use cognitive behavioural techniques to improve your mood. In a safe and supportive environment, you will learn how to identify the thought patterns that have kept you feeling low and learn how to change them to become healthier. More than just positive thinking, we want to help you learn how to become more aware of your thoughts and learn how to begin changing them to become healthier.
Over a period of 10 weeks, we will be covering the following topics:
Understanding Your Problems
It’s the Thought That Counts
Identifying and Rating Moods
Setting Personal Goals and Noticing Improvement
Situations, Moods, and Thoughts
Automatic Thoughts
Where’s the Evidence?
Alternative or Balanced Thinking
New Thoughts, Action Plans, and Acceptance
Underlying Assumptions and Behavioral Experiments
New Core Beliefs, Gratitude, and Acts of Kindness
Understanding Your Depression
*This book has been cited as “The Most Influential Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Publication” by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies and included in the UK National Health Service Bibliotherapy Program.
Why Group Therapy?
While going through the book alone will be helpful, working together in a group added benefits such as:
- Receiving and offering support and feedback
- Improving interpersonal relationships and communication
- Talking honestly and directly about feelings with others.
- Improving self-confidence, self-image, and self-esteem
The group will be limited to 7 participants to ensure that you have an optimal learning and sharing experience. The group will be led by two trained psychotherapists from Relate Mental Health Malaysia.
Materials: Group members are required to purchase the book Mind Over Mood, Second Edition and expected to do the assigned readings. The therapist will be taking the group through the material. The book may be purchased through Amazon.
Commitment and guidelines
If you commit to the group, you are committing to attend all 10 sessions and be on time for each session. This commitment will facilitate the group in learning and supporting one another during this journey. Group therapy is most productive when each member of the group values and respects each other’s time, commitment, and effort.
Group members must maintain confidentiality to create a safe environment for the work of therapy and to develop trust within the group. Never mention any other member’s name or say anything that might inadvertently identify any group members.
Please complete the form below to sign up.